Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 5: Blessings Ahead

  My schedule got a bit crazy last week so I paused on the devotional.  I read Day 5 everyday, just so I could keep it fresh in my mind.

You know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work
(James 1:3-4A)

  In this food related trial, what is the blessing we can receive by living a healthy lifestyle? The answer is in the question! First off, being healthy.  Eating right and exercising are two very good things we can do to keep our physical body in tip top shape. And they most likely will help us live longer so we can enjoy life to the fullest.
  My other goal is to teaching my girls to make health choices.  I grew up in the environment that everything goes, all the time and however much you wanted.  Its a wonder I didn't grow up with more of a weight problem!  I am more strict with what my girls eat than myself, but I would rather them not have my struggle.
  In the devotional she talked about signposts along the way that help us persevere.  
  1. PROTECTION - "I might not be able to see the blessing right now, but this trial may be a protection, shielding me from something in the future that I may not see."
  2. PROVISION - Things that you would have never found had you not started down this pathway; a camaraderie with an accountability friend, a love for new foods (hummus, avocados, spinach). My new obsession is with Jillian Michaels podcast. Great to listen to and keeps me mindful and motivated. Check it out!
  3. PROCESS - To make lasting changes, its a step-by-step process. There are no short-cuts or quick fixes. 
"Most importantly, I've realized this isn't as much about losing the weight as it is gaining truth --- the truth of who I am in Christ and how I am made for more than this constant self-defeating struggle. its the truth that reminds me a scale can measure my physical body but never my worth as a woman. And its the truth that God loves me the way I am, but He loves me too much to leave me stuck in a place of defeat." (Made to Crave Devotional)

  Last week I stayed active and even went for a run. I measured it later and realized I ran a 5k for fun! Boy oh boy was I sore the next day, but I was quite proud of my accomplishment.  One of my previous posts mentions my very busy Saturday. I am also proud to say I went home quite happy with myself. I had a salad at the first buffet and enjoyed Hawaiian Pizza at the second.  
  Its a new week and we have nice summer weather coming our way. My goals this week:
  1. Stay active. I have a huge landscaping project planned to help me keep this goal. 
  2. Say NO to sugar! I have cookies in the house that I might have to toss if I can't say no.
  3. Lose 2lb. By the end of the week I will announce my weight. I am praying I reach my goal.
Dear Lord, we need your wisdom today. Help us to pause and think about the choices we make, from the smallest to the biggest. We want to please you with our walk today. Amen.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Day 4: Consider It

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds (James 1:2)

  This one is coming at the right time! I have a lunch with my Church family on Saturday and than Dinner with my Husband's family that evening. Both at very yummy and naughty restaurants. I need to have a plan before this day comes and not just go into it with huge hungry eyes! 
  Today's devotional spoke about how hard it is to consider it pure joy when we have the option to make a healthy or not-so-healthy choice. Most of the time we don't feel joyful about ordering a salad when everyone around us is eating burgers, pizza and fries.  To be truthful and honest we feel deprived or jealous and secretly wish we could change our order.  
  Lets look at this closely. What will we find to cause joy to spring up in us, at the fated family meal?  If we stick to our guns, and continue on with healthy and obedient living, we have gained self-control over the situation! Think about it! When we fall and choose the unwise/unhealthy choice we feel pretty sick with ourselves in the end. Don't kid yourself! Usually guilt and regret are my attackers in those moments. For true joy, make the right choice and when you leave the meal you will not have regret or guilt on your back.

  Today I was tinkering around on Pinterest and found this easy, yummy and healthy recipe for Chicken.  
Chicken with Dijon and Lime.  Take a look! I wished I would have taken a picture of our meal. We used boneless, skinless chicken breasts for our meal.  I made a salad to go along with the chicken and of course Tater Tots for my wee ones and not-so-wee one!  Lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, chicken and feta cheese, Oh what a beautiful display of color!  I am enjoying making wise decisions for myself and my family. 
  So far I have stuck to my goals. The girls and I enjoyed a 4 mile walk today. We saw Buffalo, Long Horn Shaggy Steer and cows.  We picnicked outside after that, at which our dog ate my sandwich, which to say the least was very disheartening!  
  Than nap time came into play and I went outside. I spent a tremendous amount of time and sweat transplanting hostas and cleaning out my Peonies bed.  After everyone had enjoyed our supper there was only 2 tater tots left and I gladly delighted in them.  The girls got some candy from the Easter baskets and I am proud to say that my eldest daughter shared her bounty with me.  I did however cease after 2 mini chicks and ducks.  All in Moderation folks.  
  As my daughter says, "The froggets are singing and the stars are up. It's time for bed!"

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 3: The Right Questions

  Reading this day's devotional was a challenge to myself.  It was directed at how we feel when we jump on the scale and see that we haven't lost as much as we'd like or gained instead of lost.  Most of us respond with disgust and go grab the nearest container of ice cream and give up on the fight. 
  I confess,  I have done this myself. Especially after the 3-day diet I tried recently with a friend.  It had great results when I was in the diet but the days after, I would gain most of the weight back.  I didn't appreciate the dance my scale was doing, 3 steps forward, 2 steps back!  
  Today's devotional suggested that when the scale doesn't produce the number we want, we should ask ourselves questions, The Right Questions:

  • Did I overeat this week on any day? No.
  • Did I move more and exercise regularly? Yes.
  • Did I eat in secret or out of anger or frustration? No.
  • Did I feel that, at any time, I ran to food instead of to God? No.
  • Before I hopped on the scale, did I think I'd had a successful, God-pleasing week? Yep!
  If your answers coincide, than we need to pat ourselves on the back and not go on a Calorie binge.  The scale can't show us everything that our bodies are going through. Maybe you are retaining water weight from too much salt. It definitely can't show the swap of 1lb of fat to 1lb of muscle! And lets not forget for us ladies that our time of the month can throw the scale for a loop. 

  What I am taking from Day 3 is that obedience is better than the scale.  Its hard to switch from that mindset, but in the long run I think it will have the most staying power. The all powerful scale or the All Powerful God?? My goal this week is to move more (enjoying our amazing weather) and cut my sugar intake in half.  With the recent holiday, the candy is still around and beckons to me daily. And I can't pass up the clearance candy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sorry for the delay

My computer has been down and I fell behind. I will be back up soon. Starting fresh this Monday. No more 3-day diets because they didn't stick. Everyone have a great week.

Friday, February 17, 2012

What if I Let God Down?

Thought of the Day: I wept as I realized this would be one of the most significant spiritual journeys of my life. A spiritual journey that would yield great physical benefits.

With any battle we face the fear of failure. But what is worse, is when others are counting on you. Failure doubled with Guilt! Your family and friends know the struggle you are facing, see you fight it everyday. But what about God? I am making this statement very public myself. I am posting this trial on the Internet with hopes that it will hold me accountable.  I am coping this from the book "And why in heavens would I want to add spiritual guilt on top of my physical guilt? Why would I risk the shame of making God look bad too?"

Guilt always comes when I make poor choices and I could see the results of those choices on the scale. I have to be honest with this. When I am not at peace physically, I am not at peace spiritually. How can we think that one aspect of life doesn't affect another part of our life?

To the thought of letting God down. How can we let HIM down when we weren't ever holding HIM up? This shouldn't even be a thought in our heads. Isaiah 41:10 Says Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I received my Made to Crave (by Lysa TerKeurst) book from It's a 60 day devotional and I would like to share my thoughts and feelings while reading these short passages.

Thought for the Day: Unsettle me in the best kind of way. For when I allow your touch to reach the deepest parts of me - dark and dingy and hidden away too long - suddenly, a fresh wind of life twists and twirls and dances through my soul.

After reading today's devotional I found myself thinking of the game Jenga.  I compare it to my life. If you have ever played this game you know how towards the end, the tower gets in quite a precarious situation. The bottom has lots of spaces in it and with the slightest touch it will fall over.

I feel it's like my life because I know I have spread myself too thin and there are lots of open spaces in my foundation.  I have all these horrible habits in life; eating, discipline, self-control (which I am now seeing mirrored in my daughter). I know that continuing through this devotional I will find a way to fill in those empty spaces with Godly "blocks".

Well here is to reinventing my self!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Last Chance Workout & 3 day diet

I decided to up my game this week and switch to a Jillian Michael's workout. No more easy Weight Watchers 20 min (warm-up) workout.  I about nearly died! I have always said that no one can work me out like Jillian. Boy am I out of shape! Well, that will be true NO LONGER!

She has the plan set up for 6 wks. The workouts are broken down as the following;
  • Warm-up (5 mins)
  • Last Chance Workout (25 mins) - Blast fat and beat the scale with Jillian's signature circuits that alternate short burst of cardio with strength intervals.
  • Upper Body Sculpt (10 mins) - Super-sculpt your arms, shoulders, chest, and core with Jillian's favorite moves that slash mega-calories and carve lean muscle.
  • Lower Body Tone (10 mins) - Jillian revs up the fat burn with dynamic Last Chance lower body combination that blasts the legs, glutes, hips, and waistline.
  • Cool Down (5 mins)
The 1-2 weeks you alternate between the Last Chance work out and the Upper & Lower body workouts.  Obvious Warm-up and Cool Down included.  Monday-Saturday

Weeks 3-4 will have Last Chance workout everyday with an additional Sculpt or Tone alternating.  Again Monday-Saturday

And the final 5-6 weeks has them all! I foresee getting up very early these weeks. Monday-Saturday.  

I am in the middle of at 3 day diet. I never thought I would see myself trying something like this but I am glad I have.  Its not a starvation diet because you are eating 3 meals everyday. Breakfast and Lunch are pretty small meals but I have all I can do to eat everything for Supper. But no problem with the 1/2 cup of Vanilla Ice Cream!! Check it out for yourself. The following is the link to the web page.